Friday, February 9, 2024

Battling Bathers – Mt Clemens (MI) High School

Now, battling is not something I traditionally associate with bathing. I do, though, give them credit – at the very least – for the amazing alliteration.

Mt Clemens (AKA “The Clem”) is about 25 miles north of Detroit. Founded in 1795, it was named after the founder, Christian Clemens. It has 16,000 people today, so actually has some “skyscrapers.”

Traditionally, the largest industry was mineral baths (which helps explain that crazy mascot). Vistors includes Clark Gable, Mae West, Babe Ruth, Jack Dempsey, William Randolph Hearst, and the Vanderbilt family.

Today, it’s mostly a bedroom community for the Motor City.

The high school dates back to 1924, and currently has 225 students. “Famous” alumni include an NFLer, a drag racer, & a local TV news personality.

The girls’ teams are called the rather genteel Lady Bathers. There was also a minor league baseball team of the same name (the Bathers, that is, not the Lady Bathers).

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